Exponent Sites makes it easy to share the content you create. We automatically generate a link for each post based on the title, so you can quickly share it without any hassle. It's a simple way to get your content out there without needing to manage a separate platform.
Your content is publicly accessible and can also be discovered on Google, which helps you organically reach more potential customers. Sharing your posts across social media and other platforms will help further extend your reach.
Absolutely! We always provide easy ways to copy or download your content so you can post it wherever you prefer. We're also working on adding integrations with popular blog hosting providers and social media networks (currently, we support Facebook & Instagram). Exponent Sites offers a shareable link for your content without needing to upload it elsewhere, but you can choose where else you'd like to post.
During onboarding, you'll be able to customize the yourbusinessname section of your site's URL, giving it a more personalized and professional feel. The rest of the URL is autogenerated based on the content title.
We won't remove your hosted content unless you request it. Old pages will remain available, allowing you to keep sharing your content without disruption even if you discontinue using Exponent.